Custom data solutions for nature restoration

We build data systems to support your unique restoration project.
Streamline operations, increase transparency, and accelerate fundraising.

The solution to nature restoration data problems
Supporting large and small projects around the world

Streamline Operations

As projects scale, systems become complex, and common tools become less adequate. Spreadsheets and other tools can make it difficult to make decisions with full context. With Restoration Scope, we blend statistics, geographic data, and tabular data to create the right views and tools for your process.

As One Acre Fund scales its carbon projects, it's making them as transparent and rigorous as possible. Restoration Scope helps import field data, identify issues, and organize field officers to review and improve project implementation.

East Africa
Supported planting 73M+ trees in 2023

Living Carbon reforests abandoned mines in the US. They needed a solution that combined data on suitable properties, eligible planting land, and mines with appropriate permits. We built a tool with their science and GIS team that integrates these perspectives, streamlining land prospecting for restoration.

Planting in abandoned mines

Increase Transparency

The world of nature restoration is rooted in the physical world, but as projects grow there’s a need for understanding them with data. Capturing large amounts of data, organizing it, and visualizing it is hard. With Restoration Scope, we work closely with your team to find what’s important to surface and how to connect the data.

Kijani Forestry operates a sustainable agroforestry project in Uganda, utilizing community nurseries to produce sustainable charcoal and combat deforestation by providing affordable fuel for oven stoves. We built a tool so their field officers understand their project as a whole, make better decisions on where to focus resources, and track their progress in real-time.

21,000+ Farms
1,200+ Nurseries

Accelerate Fundraising

As the NBS space matures, both carbon and philanthropic funders are looking for higher levels of transparency. With Restoration Scope, we identify what data is important to your funders and find a way to neatly visualize it, grant the right permissions to the right data, and update it when you need it.

Ponterra, backed by Microsoft, develops high-quality carbon projects, with their first initiative focusing on smallholder reforestation in Panama. We built a tool to track land owner engagement and data sharing for investors.

Restoring 10,000 ha

One Tree Planted is a non-profit organization dedicated to global reforestation, working with local communities to plant trees and restore ecosystems worldwide. We built a tool to generate portals for each one of their donors. One of them, Coldplay is a public portal.

135 M+ trees planted